BY Nicholas Norton
On the evening of Saturday, March 11th, in Meadow Hall at the Groton Hill Music Center, folk singer Taylor Ashton brought his classics and a few new tunes to an almost sold out room. The Canadian native, who now calls Brooklyn his home, made this hall in Groton, MA the last stop before his next hiatus. This soon to be Dad (according to Tayor, we’re about 2 ½ weeks out from the due date) said it would be some time before he’s back on the road again.
Singing about love, heartbreak, and the human experience of just merely existing, Taylor had the room’s attention every step of the way with songs like “Pretenders”, “Straight Back”, “Nicole”, and the tongue and cheek “Country Radio”. Between songs, the audience was delighted by his often witty humor, while diving deeper into the meanings of the songs at hand.
Taylor, who plays both guitar and banjo, was accompanied by his bass player and drummer for two whole sets. The DIY person, who is Taylor, was seen at his merch stand in between sets slinging vinyl and t-shirts. Taylor asked the audience to come by and buy him out, in Taylor’s words, to “help the fuel economy of my van and ultimately the planet”.
Meadow Hall (capacity 300) is one of two venues at the Groton Hill Music Center. The other, a full concert hall for larger crowds, holds about 1,000. Groton Hill opened this past fall, and it is definitely worth the trip to see a show. With incredible ambience and acoustics, I’m sure it’ll become a destination for many artists and fans for years to come.
Listen to Taylor Ashton here!
Catch Taylor Ashton here!
PHOTO GALLERY BY Nicholas Norton
IG: @nicholasnortonphotography