Tennis made a pit stop in Boston as part of their Pollen tour to celebrate the release of their latest album of the same name. Fresh off the heels of their new record with singer-songwriter, Kate Bollinger, the band is touring all over the states and some cities in Canada. Pollen was released on February 10th on Mutually Detrimental, the band’s own record label.
“I’m celebrating the record by having an allergy attack every night of the tour,” joked singer, Alaina Moore. After taking the stage with the leading single “One Night with the Valet,” the group catered to their longer-term fans with three back-to-back hits from their catalog, including the hit, “Runner,” from their 2020 record Swimmer. A generous mix of new and old rang through the venue and you would be pressed to find anyone standing still in the crowd.
Founded by Moore and husband, Patrick Riley, the band came to fruition nearly fifteen years ago with a mutual fascination with the lo-fi sound of 50s pop and soul records. Riley, who plays guitar and keys, knew a fair amount of the production process behind the couple’s favorite songs, so they challenged themselves to recreate the sound they loved in a modern fashion. The pair found quick success following their 2011 debut album and have been making consistent, yet spectacularly diverse music since.
A total of five keyboards adorned the stage, outnumbering the current band members, as the group shifted their preferred sound for each track. Tracks like “No Exit” and “I’ll Be Better in the Morning” give Moore a chance to hand the keys off to Riley, freeing her to dance around the stage and engage the crowd. Various muted pastels light the stage and screen behind the band, creating a pseudo-vintage atmosphere that the music so beautifully encapsulates.
Despite producing an easier and more relaxing sound, Tennis did not hesitate to bring excitement and energy to their performance. Moments spent talking to the crowd were rare, but those moments were genuine and expressed clear love and appreciation for their fans – a sentiment that separates this band from the rest.
Listen to Tennis here!
Catch Tennis on tour here!