Back in November of last year, Twiddle bandleader and singer/guitarist Mihali penned an open letter to the fans letting them know that they’d be going on the “Distance Makes the Heart Tour” throughout 2023 before taking a hiatus from the road after 18 years starting in 2024.
That tour rolled through Boston this past Saturday, reminding fans why this is a live act not to be missed. The Vermont-based jam band, which fuses the likes of reggae, funk, and psychedelic rock, continues to prove why they’re an act that has built up such a loyal fanbase across New England.
The band came out swinging with the instrumental ‘Stroganoff’, before launching into ‘Honeyburste’. A lot of the first set flowed from one song to the next, including a sandwich of ‘Doinkinbonk’ with ‘Girlfriend is Better’ jammed out in the middle. The Talking Heads cover included some horns from the night’s opening band, ‘One Time Weekend’. The first set was closed with Polluted Beauty.
After set break, the band came back out with ‘Lost in the Cold’, a fan favorite from their 2017 album Plump (Chapters 1 &2), again featuring the horn section. The second set also included the beautiful ‘Beethoven and Greene’ which led right into the set closer ‘Frankenfoote’.
I was grateful I got to see Twiddle once more, though I am hoping it is not for the last time. The band will be back in New England this June as part of the Northlands Music Festival in Swanzey NH.
Listen to Twiddle here!
Catch Twiddle on tour here!
PHOTO GALLERY BY Nicholas Norton